An Immigrant’s Rant about Canada Day

Angelo Baaco
2 min readJul 3, 2020


I wrote this on social media on Canada Day 2020 as I saw hastags like #CancelCanadaDay and quotes calling this “stolen land”. We’ll see how much flack I get putting this up, especially being an immigrant who had the opportunity to grow up in this country.

All countries are built on “stolen” or “colonized” land, if you go back far enough in time. If it wasn’t an invading force coming from afar to plunder resources, it would have been some local warlord deciding that it’s time to “consolidate power” and “unite” his neighbours under his rule.

The history of the creation of any country will almost always include conflict that resulted in genocide, rape, conquest, bloodshed, slavery, and other atrocities committed by different groups of people against each other. It’s the unfortunate reality of human nature.

No, it isn’t fair for those whose lands were stolen from them, but it’s also not fair to blame the descendants of the “winners” for the sins of their ancestors. Said descendants do not need to self-flagellate or feel guilt for what was done by people who are long dead, and whose values the vast majority no longer share.

Is Canada perfect when it comes to treating their indigenous peoples? Far from it. Has there been historic systemic racism in its institutions? For sure. However, is this country more tolerant and accepting than others when it comes to immigrants and refugees looking to create a better future for themselves and their families? Absolutely.

So let’s not feel guilty about celebrating a country that, while still not perfect, also has a well-documented, recent history of welcoming people no matter their skin colour, culture, creed, gender identity or sexual orientation. Let’s celebrate a country that defines its culture as being an amalgamation of the best parts of the different cultures that make up its population.

Happy Canada Day!



Angelo Baaco
Angelo Baaco

Written by Angelo Baaco

Cranky, elder millennial. Professional listener, talker and email sender. Office occupant by day. Dojo dweller by night. Happily married husband 24/7.

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