Signs that someone is pushing BS
Oct 29, 2022
Want to know if someone is basically full of bullsh*t? Here are a few indicators:
- They claim to have "secret knowledge" that only a privileged few has access to
- They say that their "secret knowledge" is being supressed by a cabal of "oppressors in power" (i.e., “they” don’t want you to know this)
- They use purposely confusing, jargon-filled language to seem "profound" or to "project expertise"
- They try to "redefine" existing words and phrases
- Your scientific explanations showing why they’re wrong are "propaganda" or part of "the narrative".
- If you criticize or call them out, they’ll claim you’re either ignorant at best, "brainwashed", a "shill", or some sort of bigot
Did I miss anything else?