The Myth of “Easy”

Angelo Baaco
2 min readJan 29, 2020


We’ve all probably heard our friends, colleagues and family members say things that are similar to the following:

“It’s easier to skip the gym and not exercise.”

“It’s easier to spend and not to save money.”

“It’s too difficult to stay disciplined when it comes to eating healthy.”

“It’s easier to goof off instead of going to school and to learning a skill.”

“It’s difficult to get up and go to work. I’d rather sleep in and call in sick.”

“It’s easier to use an app to get McDonald’s delivered to my door than to go grocery shopping and cooking myself a healthy meal.”

“It’s easier to plop on the couch next to my significant other and watch Netflix instead of taking the time to sit down and have a conversation.”

In the short term, sure the examples above may seem like the “easier” options. I would make the argument that if you look at the long term, going for the “difficult” options are actually what will make your life easier in the future.

What’s easier? Regularly exercising to strengthen your body or being so weak in your old age that you’re living in constant fear of falling down and not being able to get up?

What’s easier? Eating a serving of vegetables at each meal, or having to go a doctor because you’re so constipated that you’ve only pooped once in the last 3 days?

What’s easier? Getting up and going to school and/or work every day or being homeless at 60 years old?

What’s easier? Delaying that major purchase to put money away for your retirement or being in your 70s and not having enough money to buy both food AND medication?

What’s easier? Making the effort to have small, meaningful, daily conversations with your significant other or going through divorce proceedings?

What’s easier? Going to school and getting an education or being unable to pay your bills because you can’t get a job due to your lack of credentials and training?

Sure, some of these examples are maybe a bit extreme or “strawman-ish” but you get the idea. A lot of what we’re doing (or not doing) in the short term might feel like the “easier” thing to do, but if you take a long term look, what we’re actually doing is choosing to make our life harder in the long term. So the next time you hear your inner voice telling you to take the easy path, just ask yourself, if it really is easier in the long run.

Originally published at



Angelo Baaco
Angelo Baaco

Written by Angelo Baaco

Cranky, elder millennial. Professional listener, talker and email sender. Office occupant by day. Dojo dweller by night. Happily married husband 24/7.

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