Your New Year’s Resolutions Suck and You’ll Never Keep Them
It’s January 1st again. So we’re going to hear our friends and loved-ones make resolutions. We’re going to see the social media “motivational” posts talking about their resolutions. We’ve heard it all before (or read it on our friends’ social media):
This year, I resolve to:
- lose weight
- be more positive
- make ‘self-care’ a priority
- save more money
- make more money
- cut out ‘toxic’ people
- eat more healthy
- drink less alcohol
- drink more water
- exercise more
- be more fit
There’s nothing wrong with setting goals. I admire and respect people who take the steps required to better themselves and their lives. The problem with resolutions is that most are not SMART.
They’re not specific and extremely vague. Success and progress are difficult to measure because most people don’t give themselves the proper steps to take to get their goals. Most resolutions makers can be so overly enthusiastic and motivated that the goals they set for themselves aren’t achievable and realistic. Even if you measure your progress, you realize that you can’t reach your lofty goal and you end up getting discouraged.
Of course, most people making resolutions don’t give themselves a proper time frame to achieve and succeed. Meaning that because they don’t give themselves deadlines, they end up simply meandering instead of achieving what they set out to do.
Aside from the quality of the resolutions, if you really thought that whatever you’re resolving to do was important, you wouldn’t be waiting for an arbitrary day of the year to start doing it. You’d be working on that goal right now. You would have made it a priority already and adjusted your habits accordingly. You already would have been looking for ways to stay focused and disciplined to achieve your goals. You wouldn’t be relying on “motivational” pictures and videos while going on social media to tell everyone that “New year, new me” will so totally happen in 2020.
Originally published at